Lily pads in the spring
  • Lily pads in the spring
  • Blue Jay (Cyanocitta Cristata) Wikimedia Common, Mdf
  • Rock outcrop along the elevation
  • Wood frog (Rana Sylvatica)
  • Ground cover in the marshes beside Lily Lake
  • Pumpkinseed (Lepomis Gibbosus)
  • Canopy of mixed hardwoods
  • Lo moth (Automeris Io)
  • Ovenbird (Seiurus Aurocapilla) Wikimedia Commons, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Maslowski, S.
  • Vernal Pool beside Lily Lake
  • Common snapping turtle (Chelydra Serpentina)
  • Upper meadow where deer have been resting
  • Gray tree frog (Hyla Versicolor)

Wildlife Ecology

In its 320 acres, Fullers Overlook Farm provides a home to hundreds of species of flora and fauna in diverse landscapes. Marshes, vernal pools, wooded areas, openlands, and of course Lily Lake offer a variety of ecological habitats for flora and fauna. As part of the master plan developed by Nelson Byrd Woltz, the landscape architecture firm partnered with the Roosevelt Wild Life Station at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY-ESF) to conduct a biological baseline survey.

A biological survey of the Overlook Estate was conducted in mid-June 2013 for vascular plants, insects, fishes and other aquatic organisms, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals with follow-up surveys conducted in early May 2014 for plants, amphibians, and birds. Surveys were undertaken by graduate students and faculty based at SUNY- ESF, Syracuse. The intent of the surveys was to generate information about the biological resources present at Overlook to support the landscape design process for the property.


